oh hello.OH MY VEEE!How would you feel if some wacko starts to regurgitate your work.Ahh,you will be annoyed.Wouldn't you?That is a natural instinct but actually I feel honoured if someone decided to use it.HAHAHAHAH!Go get a life man.I personally feel thateveryone is born with a very different sense of creativity.I admit that I am artistically challenged.I can't draw/paint/colour to save my life.It ain't my forte.I suck at that.I really do.So as human beings,we are flawed to begin with.I don't possess certain talent and you don't either.I am born with a talent and you too are born with something special.Right?But it doesn't entitled ANYBODY,I repeat it:ANYBODY to regurgitate your works.Be it in blogging,photography and so and so forth to use your work without your permission.
Oh I digress
Ehh,I completely lost my mind.I really do.I think I swap it with Qi De.ASS!
Oh on Saturday, I went to FAR EAST!Ehh bloody fucking boring.Every other shops sells the same clothes.Nautical stripes.Bow belt.Totes.More bow belts.Heels of the same colour:Bronze.Sailor inspired necklaces.Like not bored one meh?How to even survive?The same dresses okay!
Anyway I absolutely love the company of my gorgeous girlfriends.Farah aka Fakira(say it fast and stress on K)fizah and Nurul.Pix up.I love candid shots cos they are the best to portray the feelings.It really speaks directly to you.

Oh Farah.Don't stare too much

Dumb artistic shot.SO?I like them.

The best thing girls can do:CAMWHORE!Ehhh...GOT Fakira!I always thought you avoid thecamera like a plague.

Ahh,my perfect camwhoring partner.Move aside Mariani.Just kidding

Wahh,so cute!What the hell?

Fakira,your neck pain arh?Funny man that actions of yours.HAHAHAHAHA!

hahaha.nothing to do better.
Ohh do you know that I have a sunken feeling that a pest is reading my blog?I guess its a woman's intuition.And no,I wasn't referring to my sis.My sis is always a faithful reader of this blog.I love her but she annoys me to my wits end.I know what she will be saying.Save me from that.
"oh its always the big sister's job to annoy".I know that kakak.Thank you for sharing.Oh did anyone see my little sister's monitor badge.*gleams*She will make a good monitor.I don't hope,I KNOW!